Scott Pillow

My dive experience started with my Open Water Certification in July of 2018. Since then, I have received many specialty certifications, culminating in receiving my Master Diver, the highest recreational certification. This inspired me to make the move to becoming a professional Dive Master, which I received in September of 2019. I plan to begin my Dive Instructor training in the spring of 2020. Diving has become a whole-family activity. Our two younger children and my wife are working to become Open Water certified. Our son plans to continue on to the Advanced Diver course right away. We, as a family, love spending time in the water. It’s a great way to destress after a long week or spend a long weekend discovering new dive sites. Mermet Springs, Illinois, is our favorite place to dive inland. We have dive trips planned for Cayman Brac and Belize in the next year. Our dream is to dive the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. Of all the classes I have taken, the most interesting and useful class was Rescue Diver. It presented challenges I had not considered and helped me to be more prepared as a diver in general. I highly recommend this as a certification.